Community initiatives

Food miles

Greg Roughan - Green Ideas editor

Tags food miles


Healthy Food Guide editor Niki Bezzant wrote to us from the Crave Sydney International Food Festival, describing a new trend in eco-conscious eating: the 100 mile meal.

“It's clearly a trend for restaurants on both sides of the Tasman to start their own gardens to provide produce for their dishes. In reality it's not as practical as it sounds; it's unlikely a garden out the back of a restaurant could ever supply enough produce for a busy six-day-a-week establishment. But it is nice to see. And it's a treat to sit down to a menu which tells you exactly where each item has come from, right down to the garnish.

There's also much to recommend it. Food hasn't travelled far to get to us; it has fewer 'food miles' on the clock and as a consequence it's fresher and likely to retain more nutrients.”

Check out for more on reducing the food miles on your plate.


19/02/2013  7:51 am by Milotech

Another fantastic idea! Even just to grow their own herbs or garnishes! And the 100 mile thing - there's a great book called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle about a family that lives for 12 months on produce/food that is produced within a 100 mile limit of where they live - great read.