Community initiatives
March news bites: Family fun and avian oddities
Green Ideas editor Greg Roughan

Free family outing
If you’re in Auckland and have kids to entertain you should definitely check out the big Eye on Nature event in Manukau on Saturday March 28. It’s for families who want to get their children interested in nature and includes , hands-on arts and crafts, games, maze activities, bush walks, cave exploration, archaeologists sand pit dig, cooking demonstrations and door prizes. Read more
Putting the ‘ow’ in owl
In a classic case of nature fighting back, a Dutch town is being terrorised by a randy European Eagle owl. Possibly due to heightened hormone levels during breeding season, the owl has taken to attacking anything that moves at night, savaging the heads of joggers and walkers, and sending at least one resident to hospital needing stitches, the BBC reports.
Residents in the town of Purmerend have been advised to take umbrellas out at night.
One of the sites of the attacks has been a home for the disabled.
Liselotte de Bruijn, a spokeswoman for the home, told the AFP news agency that residents and workers had suffered at least 15 separate attacks by the nocturnal bird, which remains at large.
"During the day there's no problem, but at night we now only venture outside armed with umbrellas, helmets and hats, anything really, to protect ourselves," said Ms de Bruijn.
The European eagle owl is one of the world's largest owl species, with a wing-span of up to 1.8m and weight up to 3kg.
Startling starlings
Grumpy English motorists in the city of Norwich have been entranced every evening by a flock of starlings flying in formation over the city. Known as a ‘murmuration’ the swirling flock crosses the city before alighting on a warmer-than-usual rooftop, which is helping them survive the winter cold. Watch the video here.
Related links
Dutch town takes up umbrellas against rogue owl attacks - BBC
Norwich starlings 'ballet' thrills city shoppers - BBC