Community initiatives
Student’s ‘power struggle’ idea to save Uni thousands
Green Ideas editorial team

A student at Victoria University of Wellington is using the power of rivalry to save energy on campus – and cut the University’s power bills by thousands of dollars.
Bethany Paterson has started a competition between two halls of residence, which provide student accommodation, to see which community can save the most power compared to the previous year’s usage.
It’s an idea she’s previously put in place at Cashmere High School in Christchurch during her final year. “We used real-time data to inspire students to reduce energy use at school. Over the course of the school year we saved $50,000,” says Bethany. “I realised there was a similar opportunity here.”
“It’s about developing a mind-set around those little everyday decisions that have no significant impact on your day-to-day life, but over time, and en masse, can result in massive energy and cost reductions,” she says.
“There are lots of things you can do. Instead of boiling a litre of water to make a cup of tea, just boil what you need; turn lights off whenever you leave a room; cut back on daydreaming time in the shower; and open a window instead of using an extractor fan to get the steam out.”
Sponsorship from Meridian Energy, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Lush and ecostore will see the winning students net a range of prizes – and the University has promised to put the cash saved back into sustainability initiatives, with the idea of communal bikes being explored.
They have also arranged for Bethany to have her idea credited towards her degree; she’s currently in her second year of a double degree in Law, and Ecology and Biodiversity.