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London goes electric to cut smog

Up to 3000 electric cars are set to help London clean up its dirty air, as a new car-sharing scheme comes to the British capital.

Lights go out when no-one's around

We’re often reminded to save power by switching off lights as we leave the room, but the Dutch city of Eindhoven has gone a step further by putting parts of its lighting network on sensor ...

Lights go out when no-one's around

We’re often reminded to save power by switching off lights as we leave the room, but the Dutch city of Eindhoven has gone a step further by putting parts of its lighting network on sensor ...

Share the surplus

Just in time for the annual feijoa glut, a free community website called Ripe Near Me has launched to encourage people to share excess fruit and veges.

Share the surplus

Have more produce growing in your garden than you can consume?

Beavers roam England again

Wild beavers have mysteriously returned to England after being hunted to extinction 300 years ago.

Beavers roam England again

Wild beavers have mysteriously returned to England after being hunted to extinction 300 years ago.

Wear it and share it

Imagine being able to make money from all the beautiful, unused clothes in your wardrobe – while helping the environment at the same time.

Wear it and share it

Imagine being able to make money from all the beautiful, unused clothes in your wardrobe – while helping the environment at the same time.

Giant mirrors power 140,000 homes

One of the largest solar power plants in the world has been unveiled and is providing enough eco-friendly electricity to power 140,000 homes.

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