Conservation, environment, water and wildlife

Fracking explained in a simple animation

Greg Roughan - Green Ideas editor

Tags energy , fracking

Hydraulic fracturing is a technique for extracting gas from rock layers.

German website Kurzgesagt has gone viral with their new animation explaining the controversial natural gas harvesting technique commonly known as fracking. 

The complex maneuver has become more profitable than ever as nearly all of the easy to reach fossil fuels have been discovered or depleted in most developed countries in the West. 

A fracking boom is currently taking place in the US, which has helped lowered fuel costs, create jobs, and boost the economy. But, like all forms of energy harvesting, there are risks. The only question is, do the benefits outweigh those dangers?

And if you want a more detailed investigation of fracking as it's done in New Zealand conditions, check out the Green Ideas story from issue 3 here.