Small steps
The cycling mumReader submitted
Jo Clendon

I'm pretty noticeable around my local area, as I wear a high-vis vest with "mum" on it, and ride a long orange bike. Here I will answer some of the questions I am often asked.
That is an unusual bike, did you make it? Is it electric.
I didn’t make it. It is a Yuba Mundo cargo or utility bike from the USA. You can get electric ones, however my bike is chocolate-powered. We call it ‘Rocket’.
Where did you get your bike?
Daryl, from Maungaraki imports them and sells them from a cycle store in Upper Hutt. I found his website, cargobikesnz, on the internet when I was researching my options.
What do you use it for?
I originally got it because I was sick of pushing a buggy around! I’d been doing it for 6 years and would estimate I was covering over 1000 km a year. That is because I prefer to use active transport, like cycling or walking, for short trips. I didn’t expect my young children to cover the distances I was, so needed something for them that I could power. We have also used a kiddy bike trailer, but I have found the cargo bike much easier to use and park. My kids mostly cycle and scoot themselves now, but I still use my cargo bike and love the fact that I can put so much on it, and thus use my car even less.
Why did you choose that bike?
It has room for my youngest child plus cargo like bags, shopping, etc. Or I can take two kids on it. You can hear us coming when that happens, as my son gets very very excited! It is easier to use, maneuver and park than a trailer, although we did like the trailer for safety of toddlers and adventures.
How far have you cycled?
On this bike I only really cycle around the Hutt because it is hard to manage a puncture on the rear wheel. But on other bikes I have had many cycling adventures in NZ and overseas. I’ve cycle toured in NZ, Australia, Slovenia, Scotland, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Vietnam. That was before kids! With kids, we’ve done the Central Otago Rail Trail, and recently I did the Nelson Great Taste Trail on my folding bike.
Where do you cycle?
On this bike I cycle around the Hutt. I use my bike for school runs, errands, appointments, library trips, and my market shopping. On my own I use the road any river trail. With kids I will often use the footpath, depending on traffic and destination.
Why do you cycle?
Because it is good for me and for the planet.
Do you have a car?
Yes I do, but I prefer to keep it for longer trips and occasional use. For short trips I like to use my feet or bike. It is great not to have to bother with parking! Plus I get fresh air, exercise and a greater sense of community. I find it a bit sad when really little kids ask me “Don’t you have a car?”, it is like they have no concept of getting around other than driving/being driven.
Is it safe?
I’ve certainly had my moments, but mostly it is fine. It is important to cycle confidently and be visible. I wish there were more cyclists and more facilities for cyclists. Anytime a motorist gets angry, aggressive or impatient, I just wish they would vent their feelings by campaigning for more facilities for cyclists. If they don’t want me on the road then get me a cycle path! There is a six-times return on investment for any amount spent on cycling facilities, so we all win!
Do you cycle on the footpath?
When I am with my kids I often cycle on the footpath. I really don’t like doing this, but must put their safety first. I’d like to invite anyone who doesn’t like cyclists on the footpath to send a letter to the council requesting safe, connected, separated cycle paths, especially around schools, train stations and the CBD.
What would you say to anyone who wants to try cycling more often?
I’d say get the right gear and give it a go. There are great ‘Cycle Ready’ skills courses you can do. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain! And if cycling doesn’t appeal, just try walking more. It is so good for you and your whanau.