Recycling, packaging and waste

Vote to clean up bad packaging

Green Ideas editorial team

Sick of disposable packaging clogging up your rubbish bin?

Then get behind the Unpackit Awards by putting in your vote for New Zealand’s best and worst packaging. Some past finalists in the Worst Packaging Awards have improved or removed their packaging, so your vote really counts.

Plus there are some innovative New Zealand companies in the eight finalists for the 2013 Best Packaging Award (pictured), including Dunedin beer company Green Man, which washes and refills their bottles.

Then there are the Worst Packaging finalists (boo, hiss) which this year include Snappz sliced apples in mini plastic bags, fruit and veges on meat trays, Nespresso capsules, disposable coffee cups and over-the-top Dell computer packaging.

You can vote online at – and don’t forget to support your favourite school or community group in the Cash4Good competition.