What's greener?
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My dilemma: Dry cleaning
Materials scientist Dr Michelle Dickinson investigates dry cleaning.
My dilemma: Liquid or bar soap?
Materials scientist Dr Michelle Dickinson investigates the difference between bar soaps and their liquid counterparts.
My dilemma: Gold and diamonds
Question“I’m planning to buy an engagement ring (!) but I want to make sure all the materials are responsibly sourced. What should I do?” – Anon AnswerMaterials scientist Dr Michelle Dickinson replies: “Gold and diamonds may be ...
My dilemma: Soy milk or dairy?
Soy milk has become more popular in recent years, but what are the impacts of making it? Does the soy industry affect the environment – and how does it stack up against dairy?
What's greener? Planes, trains or automobiles
Dr Michelle Dickinson compares three ways of travelling between Auckland and Wellington.
What's greener? Real vs fake Xmas trees
Ever wondered which kind of tree is kinder at Christmas? Dr Michelle Dickinson investigates.
What’s greener? Online vs in-store shopping
Shopping on the internet can be easier than visiting a store, but how does it affect our environment? Green Ideas investigates.
What's greener? Plastic bags vs reusables
Reusable bags are definitely greener – so long as you keep using them until they wear out. Here’s why.
What's the greenest way to dry your hands?
Environmental engineer Andrew Mackintosh reveals some toilet truths.
What’s greener? Digital vs print
Reusable e-readers can look great when compared with printed pages – but are they more sustainable? Green Ideas does the numbers.